Collect as many pieces as possible, escape from the darkness and face the world! Will you give up?

  • Actions
    Movement: WASD or UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT buttons
  • Scene Hints
    Starting Scene: You can click the GameObject to skip. Yeah, no UI is used in whole game

    Level1: Collect 10 lights (including you). Escape from the darkness, collect lights and you will pass the level easily

    Level2: Do the same thing you did in Level1 but becareful about walls! They are may be unseen. Listen to their sounds instead of trying to see

    Level3: Do the same thing you did in level2 but this time, use your lights wisely. Give a light for each star that is placed in the corners of the map. Keep doing it until the Middle star is fullfilled. If star doesnt shrinks, it means it is fullfilled. After that, collect 10 lights. If you sense a shake after you find 10 lights, go to the middle of the map and enter the star and congrats, you finished the game. 

Sounds may create clicking noises. Because project using a multi-threaded sound engine inside single threaded webgl system. Which tries to read from single buffer. It still does a good job!

Made in Unity 6000.0.2f1 for GoedWare Game Jam Zero UI Edition Light&Darkness.


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