Keep the balance while surviving if you can!

  • Actions
    Movement: WASD or UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT buttons
    Sprint Movement: Shift + Movement
    Jump: Space
    Attack: Right Mouse Button
    Regenerate HP: Dont move
  • Scene Hints
    There are 2 fox house and 1 chicken house. Your duty is "keep the balance".
    Balance to right is Foxes. Balance will increase if fox baby is spawned.
    Balance to left is Chickens. Balance will decrease if chicken baby is spawned.
    Balance wont change if any type of warriror spawns but killing warrirors will decrease or increase the balance.

Sounds may create clicking noises.

Made in Unity 6000.0.2f1

  • Copyrights
    I don't know. It was a teammate who choosed the assets. I was the coder.

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